While I agree this ordinance is a violation of individual and property rights, The Knapps are mistaken. Marriage, in its modern form, is not a sacred or religious union, it is a public institution. Pastors, priests and bishops are not acting as officials of the church, but as officers of the state.
Donald chose to participate in priestcraft when he sought state authority to administer state marriage licenses and solemnize state marriages. When performing these acts he is a minister of the government and The Hitching Post is nothing more than the DMV of weddings - not only the Hitching Post, but also every church, or synagogue that performs weddings under the authority of the state.
It hasn't always been this way, but the fact is, it was the religious folks who first suggested the idea that marriage be made a "public accommodation". It is they who demoted marriage to the level of a state granted privilege.
Over the last decade, the religious right have continued to fight aggressively to maintain the status quo -That the state is the ultimate authority on marriage. As long as they stand on this sandy foundation they are hypocrites to declare religious freedom, while they themselves use state force against others. It's only fitting that their rights are violated by the same tool they have used to violate the rights of others.
If marriage is a personal relationship/agreement between concenting adults, then it is no business of the state to be involved with regulating any aspect of it. This freedom to associate allows all to decide what is right for them, without infringing on those who think , or live differently. Those who continue to claim that entering these personal relationships shall only be granted by authority of the state, must accept yeild those personal and religious freedoms to the force of public opinion. A losing battle for the Knapps.