One interpretation of the Bible suggests that the political laws of man must always be followed (Rom 13, "Render unto Caesar", etc) But this interpretation disregards the first commandment "No other gods before Me".
Most "believers" are unwilling to interpret the Bible in the perspective that God's law must take priority over man's law, because this belief requires them to:
1. Accept that all persons (citizens, police, soldiers, politicians, everyone) are individually accountable to God. There is no "I was just following orders/leaders." excuse. 2. Accept that the political state, its laws, and its authority figures are illegitimate and should not be honored beyond the Laws of God. Have you ever noticed that many of the biblical heroes find themselves in the king's prisons, lion's dens, etc.? Clearly they didn't read Romans 13. 3. Explore the question of What laws ARE legitimate? Interestingly a major theme of the Bible is one of God's people refusing to follow the first commandment and choosing instead to worship their invented false authorities/gods. The epic story continues... |